$97.00 USD


Nurture Your Children Properly When The Other Parent is A Narcissist Course

Learn How NOT to make fatal mistakes that can cause further harm than any good to your children and how to become the parent that reverses the damage caused by the narcissist and help them grow into healthy adults.


Master Co-Parenting with a Narcissist

Enrol in this course and learn how to co-parent with a narcissist in 5 Practical Steps effectively

What you'll learn:

  1. What makes co-parenting with a narcissist so difficult and why you need a strategic approach to save your sanity and minimize the narcissist’s indirect impact on your life

  2. How to establish solid physical and emotional boundaries with them that stick and maintain low-contact

  3. How to stop them from using your children against you and prevent parental alienation

  4. How to nurture your children properly as a single parent and help them grow into healthy individuals

  5. How to focus on your healing and recovery while keeping the narcissist at bay